I can’t believe it! I just won a Plutus Award for Rich Frugal Life!
For those of you that follow me on social media, you may have already seen my public displays of disbelief, followed by ecstatic celebration.
Winning the award for ‘Best Financial Independence or Retire Early Content’ at the 13th Annual Plutus Awards is a huge deal to me!
The Plutus Awards are like the Academy Awards of the Personal Finance community. I was honored and shocked (in the best way) to even be considered among such a great group of nominees, let alone to take home the win.
Whether or not this is news to you, it felt like an accomplishment this exciting at least warranted it’s own (brief) blog post.

External validation
Regular readers will know that I lost a piece of myself when I left my corporate accounting career 2.5 years ago, and have struggled to find purpose ever since.
While I didn’t love all the aspects of my job, and hated the stress and long hours, I was actually quite good at it. Regularly receiving accolades and external validation from my clients, peers, and superiors felt really good. Besides giving me purpose, my job gave me a confidence and swagger that I’ve been struggling to find ever since I left.
Deep down I know that I’m still that same woman. It’s just harder to convince myself sometimes these days.
Writing is something that I’ve always enjoyed. Blogging as a hobby has given me the freedom to be myself and write about what I want, when I want. While it’s had it’s ups and downs, the experience has been enjoyable (and quite cathartic).
That said, like many who leave a high powered career early, a lot of my feelings of self worth are still tied up in my career and making money.
I often feel guilty about the amount of time I spend on blogging, since it’s just a hobby. I could be spending more time with my kid, running our household, or doing other worthwhile things.
While all those other things are certainly important, none have been able to provide me with the internal or external validation that I still crave.
I’d love to get to a place where I don’t require external validation to feel special. However, I’m not there yet.
Winning this award and receiving recognition for my writing means a lot to me!
Thank you!
Thank you Plutus Foundation for continuing to recognize and support writers and content creators within the personal finance community.
And thank you again to everyone who reads this blog. Whether you’re a new reader or have been following our FIRE journey for a while now, I appreciate you!
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Congrats! I haven’t been on my FIRE social media since we blew up our RE plans last year so this *is* news to me. Yours is one of the only sites I reliably follow new content on (or at least, I’m starting to again now that life is slowing down). Great work 🙂
Mrs. RichFrugalLife
Thank you Allen! I’m flattered by the compliment and happy to see that you’re back and becoming more active in the personal finance community again 🙂
Chrissy @ Eat Sleep Breathe FI
Oh my gosh, I’m SO thrilled for you Kristen! Huge congrats on this milestone. You totally deserve it. 👏
Mrs. RichFrugalLife
Thank you Chrissy! I appreciate all your support over the past year!! 🙂
Congrats Kristen!! It’s always great to see your hard work pay off! You deserve the award! Keep up the great work!
Mrs. RichFrugalLife
Thank you, Tyler!
Congrats! Make sure you continue to produce great content to justify the reward! More people are expecting you to do so now. Don’t be like so many Plutus award winners who end up not following through. Keep publishing regularly every week and make sure you’re content about financial independence retire early is the best.
Congrats! You’ll do great!
Mrs. RichFrugalLife
Thanks, Linda. I’ll continue to do my best at transparently sharing my family’s FIRE journey and what we are learning or dealing with along the way. The beauty of this blog being a hobby though, rather than a job, is that the only expectations I need to try and live up to are my own. Though I do greatly appreciate you and all my other readers.
Please consider taking it easy on bloggers. The content is free and blogging regularly is actually A LOT of work, which I didn’t fully appreciate until I tried to do it myself.